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Botany PGTRB Online Test
1. It is a long day plant
A) Maize
B) Wheat
C) Nicotiana
D) Xanthium
2. The inflorescence of ficus is
A) Raceme
B) Hypanthodium
C) Coenanthium
D) Corymb
3. Plants occurring on rocks and stones are
A) Halophytes
B) Lithophytes
C) Psammophytes
D) Oxylophytes
4. The fruit of Poaceae is
A) Berry
B) Caryopsis
C) Achene
D) Capsule
5. Protonemal stage is absent in
A) Riccia
B) Fossombronia
C) Funaria
D) Polytrichum
6. Single cell protein used for human consumption should be processed through
A) Sun drying
B) Vacuum drying
C) Drum drying
D) Spray drying
7. The phenomenon of red drop was discovered by
A) Hill
B) Arnon
C) Emerson
D} Blackmann
8. GA promotes the synthesis of the enzyme
A) Amylase
B) Protease
C) Cellulase
D) Ligase
9. The unexcited stage of chlorophyll molecule is in
A) Single state
B) Triplet state
C) Metastable
D) Stable
10. The growth hormone present in coconut water is
A) Auxin
B) Cytokinin
C) Gibberellin
D) Abscissic acid
11. Hormogonia are produced by
A) Oscillatoria
B) Gracillaria
C) Volvox
D) Caulerpa
12. The chemical which can induce fusion of isolated protoplast in culture is
B) Mannitol
C) Colchicine
13. Vinegar is produced by the bacterium known as
A) Acetobacter
B) Cloastridium
C) Lactobacillus
D) Bacillus
14. Two types of rhizoids are present in
A) Funaria
B) Porella
C) Anthoceros
D) Riccia
15. In polytrichum leaf photosynthetic lamellae are confined to
A) Sheathing base
B) Lamina of blade
C) Mid-rib of blade
D) Stem
16. Loss of water in the form of liquid in grass is known as
A) Transpiration
B) Guttation
C) Osmosis
D) Translocation
17. Vivipary is seen in
A) Mesophytes
B) Hydrophytes
C) Xerophytes
D) Halophytes
18. Pichavaram along the east coast of india is rich in
A) Mangrove vegetation
B) Sand dune vegetation
C) Scrub vegetation
D) Rocky vegetation
19. In Eicchornia the roots help in
A) Balancing
B) Floating
C) Fixing
D) Multiplicaton
20. Cellulase is
A) Fusogen
B) An osmoticum
C) Cell wall degrading substance
D) Medium component
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